I would also like to modify the error page.
My thoughts were to first make an error page in EPiServer that should be shown if we have an error occuring in a single template. Then I would have this standard error page to shown when there is something serious with EPiServer that makes it impossible to display dynamic pages.
Is there someone out there that has implemented this?
This would be possible by defining some custom error pages in the customErrors section of the web.config. The following will redirect all 404 Page Not Found errors to my EPiServer page and all serious or other errors to my standard html page.
Hope this helps,
I´d like a custom error page for all 404´s, so that´s what I´m testing.
But no matter what I set defaultRedirect to, it always redirects to the same page: a page saying the page was not found.
Even if i set defaultRedirect to a non-existing page.
Any suggestions?
You can define the 404 error page in the Custom Errors tab in the properties dialog of your web site/virtual directory in the IIS-manager. You should make sure to set this to a url that points at an aspx-file on your web site to trigger the spider support module. You can read more about this in the following faq: