I have made a small plug-in for the SidSettingsArea. The purpose is to bind customer numbers to user accounts. Customer numbers are stored in the Item collection of the user's personalized data.
1. How do I access the events for the Save and Delete buttons?
2. How can I get user's PersonalizedData object when creating a new user? I use the id property of the querystring when editing an existing user. Is there a better solution?
One solution to the first problem could be:
((Button)this.Parent.FindControl("ApplyButton")).Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Save);
However this assumes the name ApplyButton won't change in future upgrades of EPiserver.
If you implement the interface ISidSettings you will get the following methods where you can add your logic:
LoadSettings(Sid sid, PersonalizedData data)
SaveSettings(Sid sid, PersonalizedData data)
We do not currently have any solution for the event that a user is deleted but I added this as suggestion #36776.