There is a way, but not the one you would like I quess :)
If yoy link to MyCalender with an extra query attribute to the event, you can display that event instead of the calender.
or you could link to Event 3 with a query attribute to myCalender's page id and use that insted of current page's id to display the menu and navigation stuff.
I dont like either of the methods, but I think there is you only options.
Humm... yeah, I think I will go for the solution behind door # 2 - putting the page ID in the query attribute.
A third and even more nast way, is offcours to use IFRAME.
I have the following navigation structure:
-- Calendar
--- Event 1
--- Event 2
--- Event 3
-- Page A
-- Page B
--- MyCalendar
I have a global calendar page, where all new events are created. Then in Page B, I have a menu item called MyCalendar which retrieves events (pages) from the global calendar.
The problem is that when I click the event (page), I am re-directed to MySite->Calendar, thus loosing my current navigation (MyPage->Page B -> Calendar).
Is there anyway I can keep my navigation and still be able to fetch and display an event page from the global calendar?