I believe you need to play around with the URL rewriter to break a URL down into its internal representation - this contains an "id" parameter that you can grab a PageReference from.
Something like the code below should sort you out:
//* Convert an external URL to an internal URL
UrlBuilder newURL = new UrlBuilder("http://EPiServer6TestSite/Home-page/");
//* Now fetch the ID and get a page reference
PageReference result;
string pageIDslug = newURL.QueryCollection["id"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pageIDslug))
string[] splitSlug = newURL.QueryCollection["id"].Split(new[] { '_' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
int pageId;
if (splitSlug.Length > 0 && int.TryParse(splitSlug[0], out pageId))
//* Do we have a work page ID?
int workPageId;
if (splitSlug.Length > 1 && int.TryParse(splitSlug[1], out workPageId))
result = new PageReference(pageId, workPageId);
result = new PageReference(pageId);
PageReference.ParseURL() could be another choice. Need to convert it to an internal URL first though.
Another solution - very similar to above too . It has same concept to covert the Url to internal state.
UrlBuilder urlBuilder = new UrlBuilder(Url);
object pageReference;
Global.UrlRewriteProvider.ConvertToInternal(urlBuilder, out pageReference);
//or use PageReference.ParseUrl() here
if (pageReference != null && pageReference is PageReference)
//ur page reference logic here
"/mysite/en-gb/child/grandchild""/mysite/en-gb/child/grandchild"On a similar note, a complete newbie question by I can't seem to find the answer to this...
How do I get a reference to a page by absolute URL, e.g. "/mysite/child/grand-child"
PageReference.ParseURL looks like the correct method, but what am I missing?
var url = "/mysite/child/grand-child";
var pageRef = PageReference.ParseUrl(url); <-- returns PageReference.EmptyReference
var page = DataFactory.Instance.GetPage(pageRef);
Eventually I will end up with several sites and languages, so the tree structure would be like so for example, so ideally i'd like to be able to retrieve the reference relatively...
Let me know if you need info.
How can we get the PageReference Object from the friendly URL(string). I tried PermanentLinkMapStore, but failed... Can any body please guide.