So, did you manage to update database eventually through SQL Management Studio?
even epideploy.exe does not provide out-of-the-box way to increase command timeout. defaults to 30
I manage to update schema by running SQL scripts via SQL Management Studio. I did it on only my Dev environment. I need to update other collegues machines, Test, Staging and Production servers. Usually I used update-epidatase and Export‑EPIUpdates to export and execute scripts which save a lot of time.
I also checked the code of epideploy.exe. The GetConnection method of DatabaseHandler class used DbProviderFactories.GetFactory to create connection:
protected virtual DbConnection GetConnection() { DbProviderFactory DbProviderFactory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(this.ConnectionStringSettings.ProviderName); //... }
Maybe I could try to chcange the provider to my own with Timeout property increased to more than 30 seconds.
I upgraded EPiServer to newest version. I run update-epidatase command and got command timeout exception.
The error occured on tblActivityLog table.
I used SQL Management studio to execute script.
I'm wonder if it's possible to use update-epidatase with some extended value of CommandTimeout property.