It's checking if any of the pages that contain the removed property has property data. If it's all null everywhere it will delete the property from the content type.
If there's a value somewhere it will show the property in Admin mode but flag it as missing in code. You need some manual handling in to get rid of it in that situation.
Since you got a lot of pages (and versions, what's your uimaxversions value?) it's usally wiser to hide the the property and mark it obsolete or renaming it to something that flags it shouldn't be used. That way you won't need a big time window to complete the startup work in any environment.
Same problem, except I have a brand new project. If I change or update existing properties, I get the same timeout error. I have very few pages, so it can't be that "there's too many". How can I increase the timeout value there? How do I manage something like this?
So i am receive an "the wait operation timed out" error when trying to load my web app. I removed a block that was used as a property on my base page and have around 10,000 pages on the site. I assume it is the "Model Syncronizaiton" that is causing the timeout but that is just me assuming. I set the SQL connection timeout to 1000 to see if that would allow it to finish but without luck either. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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