Might want to check what restrictions you have set on the content area?
Hi daniel,
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately that's not it.
The allowed types are simple and the same for both content areas. The only difference is the page that they are showing in.
Hi, Ashkan,
When searching through Episerver packages folder, I could trace this to:
isCreateLinkVisible: function () { // summary: // Overridden mixin class, depend on currentMode will show/not create link // tags: // protected return this.model.canCreateBlock(this.allowedTypes, this.restrictedTypes); },
Then, you can look into ContentAreaViewModel.js.uncompressed.js and check canCreateBlock, might be that hasCreatePermission is false or similar, see the body:
canCreateBlock: function (allowedTypes, restrictedTypes) { // summary: // Deteremines whether the user can create blocks on this content area. // tags: // internal var contentTypeservice = this.contentTypeService; return all([this.getCurrentContext(), this.getCurrentContent()]) .then(function (results) { var context = results[0], contentData = results[1]; // If there is no context or content data then it shouldn't be possible // to create a block for this content area. So return false. if (!context || !contentData) { return false; } var hasCreatePermission = ContentActionSupport.isActionAvailable( contentData, ContentActionSupport.action.Create, ContentActionSupport.providerCapabilities.Create, true); // Check whether the current user has create permission. Also check if the current content is // resourcable and finally check whether we are in a mode where create should not be available. if (!hasCreatePermission || !context.capabilities.resourceable || context.currentMode === "create" || context.currentMode === "translate") { return false; } return when(contentTypeservice.getAcceptedChildTypes(contentData.contentLink, true, ["episerver.core.blockdata"], allowedTypes, restrictedTypes)).then(function (availableTypes) { return !!availableTypes.length; }); }); },
Hope this helps,
I am working with EpiServer 8 and I can't understand why in some pages the "create a new block" button is not visible.
Not visible: