Do you have module.config file in module direcotry, like (for protected ones) modules/_protected/.../module.config?
Do you have web.config inside root folder of the .zip file?
I'm having exactly the same problem and the answer to both questions asked is yes
There is a bug fix for something that sounds like your case, the fix was relesed in pakcage EPiServer.CMS.UI 11.4.1, see
I have an addon that consists of a couple razor views.
When I zip the views folder up and place it in the modules directory I get the following error on my views:
Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'model' does not exist int he current context
However, if I extract the zip file, my views work.
It would appear that the view engine is not able to read the web.config in the views directory when the files are zipped. Has anyone else encountered this problem and come up with a solution?
Thanks in advanced!