Add to List of Roles in Set Access Rights Screen


I am trying to figure out how to add to the list of roles in the "Set Access Rights" screen when using Azure AD for security. The list as I see get's populated from the list of Virtual Roles and the roles of the current logged in user based on the SynchronizingProvider. 

The problem I have is that the current user will not have all roles that need to be assigned to nodes in the system. I really want to get the list of roles in my Azure AD Application and store those. Can I do this or do I have to revert to creating Virtual Roles for all my roles defined in AzureAD. 

Apr 15, 2017 3:56

You can do a Graph API call and fetch all groups and make sure they go to the table called something like tblSynchronizedRoles. Then they should show. Haven't checked if you can use some Epi API for this or if you need to go the database by yourself.

It's for sure easier to setup all roles you want in Epi for some user in the team and auth with the site once.

May 09, 2017 22:19

Thanks!  That is what I have done. I have setup a group of users that have all the roles and then will have them login first. The process seems to be working well so far.

May 09, 2017 22:23
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.