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Hide EpiServer gadgets and dashboard


Hi im working on a project where I wanna use episervers on page editing for a page but want to hide the dashboard and gadgets so the user experince is that they are not inside episerver. Any idea how I can hide the dashboard and all gadgets?

I tried The IViewTransformer and that worked for some gadgets, but I want to hide everything. 

Oct 05, 2021 18:01

Upgrading to .NET 5 is a solution as the dashboard and gadgets have been completely removed in CMS 12 and Commerce 14 

Oct 05, 2021 20:49

David, which components were not possible to remove via transformer? You should be able to remove everything.

Just to make sure we are on the same page - you would like to hide the pagetree, assets pane, projects pane, navigation etc. and only want the main area to be visible right?

You should be able to create a new composite view with only the epi-main-content ContentPane that has OnPageEditing component inside itself.

Oct 14, 2021 8:02
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