You could do it in a SQL query for sure but if it's an ongoing problem and you want to delete regularlly inactive users I'd suggest just build a scheduled job and doing it via code.
Thanks for your reply
Do you have any query to do it ?
It will not be an ongoing problem as we are moving to AD and no user would be create directly in EPiServer DB.
It's just SQL Membership, this is the structure to delete a single user by the unique identifer of the user. So just write a SQL script to pull the users out based on whatever criteria you want and run this for each
DECLARE @UserId uniqueidentifier
SET @UserId = 'GUID_for_UserId'
DELETE FROM aspnet_Profile WHERE UserID = @UserId
DELETE FROM aspnet_UsersInRoles WHERE UserID = @UserId
DELETE FROM aspnet_PersonalizationPerUser WHERE UserID = @UserId
DELETE FROM dbo.aspnet_Membership WHERE UserID = @UserId
DELETE FROM aspnet_users WHERE UserID = @UserId
If you want a DELETE with a WHERE clause: this is standard SQL.
What you can do is batch deletes like this:
SELECT 'Starting' --sets @@ROWCOUNT
DELETE TOP (xxx) MyTable WHERE ...
Or if you want to remove a very high percentage of rows...
SELECT col1, col2, ... INTO #Holdingtable
FROM MyTable WHERE ..opposite condition.
INSERT MyTable (col1, col2, ...)
SELECT col1, col2, ... FROM #Holdingtable
Is it possbile to delete SQL users (in bulk) in EPiServer. I can delete one by one but we have a lot of inactive users which I want to delete in bulk.
May be some sql query ?