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Five New Optimizely Certifications are Here! Validate your expertise and advance your career with our latest certification exams. Click here to find out more
You can download and explore Episerver Foundation example website - there are few admin tools with code. Explore tools under the extensions menu.
Let me know if you still having difficulty, I'll share some code.
What worked for me:
to implement a link in episerver cms admin and link it to a form
follow the instructions in this guide to make the link
The form:
Create a new Areas / Cms
and here inside apply the model view controller.
and in the controller
[Authorize (Roles = "CmsAdmins")]
now I have a form that links to the cms admin menu.
thanks to all.
I have followed this article to be able to generate a new link in the cms / admin menu located in the admin tab.
I can't find a way to be able to display a form in mvc into the section cms/admin
Everything I try fails. @model -> error. @viewdata -> error That is, I can't bind the model to the view How can I generate a form according to mvc in the section of cms / admin? I don't know if anyone has run into this problem. I have googled but have not found the answer. Everything points to the fact that I have to put a new webconfig for each folder of views that I put ...