Question about scheduled publishing in V11


I have a user who is stating that a particular behaviour is gone.

While this is absolutely true for one aspect, I am unsure it was ever true of the other.

The functionality in question is that of "Publish page and blocks". It is true that Optimizely, in their infinite wisdom removed this. They should not have.

This was useful, when having changed multiple shared blocks, that you could select the "publish page and blocks", it would indeed publish the page, and changed associated blocks.

Optimizey want to force us down the path of "inline blocks", which is half hearted and ill advised at best, but more on that later.

The piece of funationality that I am trying to verify within V11 is, was it ever possible to schedule a page publish, and that when the scheduled publish happened, that it also published the changed associated blocks?

I have tried to replicate this within V11 locally, to no avail. So, I am wondering if they really remember it ever actually working, or making assumptions/bad recall?

We no longer have our live V11 after migration to V12, so I cannot check it anywhere but locally.

It would be great if anyone could advise on whether scheduling a page change ever published associated blocks.

Back to inline blocks....

Optimizely say its not a breaking change. It is. We have multiple places where getting block's ID was useful - but will have to refactor that out with inline blocks having no ID.

It kind of makes shared blocks a bit pointless. We now can't even manually publish a page and it's associated changed blocks.

It completely breaks an implementation we were working towards with regarding a fairly complicated approval/review process.

I'm sure there's a bunch more ways this is going to prove prolematic that I have not even discovered yet.

And we can't even consider remaining opted out as they have taken away what ittle publish control we had in V11 with associated blocks.

So far it just strikes me as a terribly implemented idea.

Oct 09, 2023 8:40

The piece of funationality that I am trying to verify within V11 is, was it ever possible to schedule a page publish, and that when the scheduled publish happened, that it also published the changed associated blocks?

Just to address this point -- unless I'm mistaken, that was part of the BlockEnhancements lab: 

Oct 09, 2023 18:24


Thanks for reply, but not only are the Labs not officially supported - rendering them inapplicable to us (we are simply not allowed experimental/unofficial plugins, etc), but it is being obsoleted anyway. What it still retains is the migration functionality, which would be useful - but again, we can't use because it's not in the official software.

My concern right now is more - did the funationality I point out above in V11 ever actually exist where there was a way to schedule a page publish that also published changed associated blocks? I just need to prove a point - me saying "it's not there in my dev environment for v11" just doesn't seem to be enough. So I  just need some outside confirmation.

Oct 10, 2023 8:25

The Projects feature (which has been part of CMS out-of-the-box since 10.something, not an experimental feature) allows you to automatically publish pages, blocks and other assets simultaneously at a given scheduled date. The feature requires all involved items to be in status "ready for publish". 

Nov 06, 2023 8:38
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