Hi Tony,
Looking at this you are using the Content Search API which uses Content Delivery API to communicate with Search and Navigation. Would that be correct?
I suppose you can search from the Search and Navigation in the CMS Admin fine?
I think Content Search API communicates with Search and Navigation, and this is what I use.
When I search in Search & Navigation -> Configure I get two results.
Postman yields two results.
Javascript (next.js client) yields zero results with same parameters as Postman.
/ Tony
Is it a language issue? Postman querying with a different default language than the browser?
Hi Tony,
I have had a play around with this and I am pretty sure the 'Accept-Language' header is being a little funny here. Below is my configuration:
string[] origins = ["https://localhost:3000", "https://localhost:5000"];
services.AddCors(options =>
builder =>
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
// Required by Wangkanai.Detection
app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
This is installed in a default alloy site so in theory when I hit 'https://localhost:5000/api/episerver/v3.0/search/content?Query=alloy' in the browser I should get results however I seen nothing being returned:
I then fired up fiddler to capture the request and code see the headers:
In a default alloy site en and sv are the only enabled langauges so i changed the 'Accept-Language' to 'en,en-US' and then I got a result in fiddler:
I tried to use a wildcard as per documentation, however that didn't appear to work.
Hopefully this helps get to the bottom of your issue.
I tried to use a wildcard as per documentation, however that didn't appear to work.
Just exchanged some messages with the eng team -- to receive content in all languages, pass an empty Accept-Language header, not a wildcard. I'll work with the team to get the docs updated.
I looked in to this again. The problem is Accept-Header, and that it doesn't get passed to the server even though it is specified in the call. I have tried fetch and axios but what is getting passed is the browser language string. I solved it by making the call next.js server side instead, where Accept-Language can be used in headers.
Does anyone know why Accept-Language is not accepted by a call from the browser, and what to do about it? Or perhaps we can use some other header to pass on what language we want.
/ Tony
Hi Tony,
This worked for me in Axios:
const axios = require('axios');
let config = {
method: 'get',
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
url: 'https://localhost:5000/api/episerver/v3.0/search/content?Query=alloy',
headers: {
'Cookie': 'EPiStateMarker=true'
.then((response) => {
.catch((error) => {
I have removed the 'Accept-Language' header and it returns me everything.
FYI, I used the code generation in Postman to create this.
Hi, that actually worked. I used:
I am trying to use the Search and Navigation api in a test environment running a client at localhost:3000. In Postman I get search hits, but from the client I get {"totalMatching":0,"results":[]} for the same query, with the recomended headers using GET and accept: 'application/json'
startup.cs in test server defining cors, where origins is localhost:3000:
app.UseCors(b => b
Why am I getting different results with the same call?