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How to migrate contents between environments


We stumble upon this question during discovery session with a customer.

How to migrate contents between environments. The problem is we have DEV, UAT, and PRODUCTION environment, how do we make sure that content in UAT and PRODUCTION is in sync, content here include pages and blocks and medias. It doesn't have to be live sync, I just need a way to grab all content in PRODUCTION and install to UAT. Something like export the root page and install in UAT, is it going to work ? Does all the references blocks and medias get included as well.

Another use case for this is when we need to copy all content from UAT to PRODUCTION before go-live of a new website, because the content editor has been doing work there. Obviously we can't compare and copy one by one. We need a way to grab the root page and install to another environment, blocks and medias (with blob) also need to be included.

If you have any tool that can compare content tree and blocks between environment that would be nice too.

Looking for a recommendation on this.

Jun 18, 2024 9:52


If we're talking about a solution hosted in the Optimizely DXP service, you can sync content from higher to lower environments via the PaaS portal so you should be able to sync content down from production to UAT fairly easily whenever you need to. When you're working on a site prior to launch, environments will only be provisioned as required and each environment will be provisioned with a copy of the environment below however this is pretty much a one-time process. If you need to overwrite production with the contents of UAT after you've provisioned the production environment, you'd need to raise a ticket with support.

More generally, there's a content import/export tool in the CMS admin which will let you export all or parts of the site to import elsewhere though I'd suggest trying it in non-production environments before you try it in production.

Jun 18, 2024 13:35

Futher to Paul's excellent response, depending on the amount of content to migrate using the Import / Export tools, you may want to split this into batches for sections of your content tree.  I've encountered issues before where the process has timedout or the export file is too large to be uploaded.  There is also an Upload and Verify option that would hopefully identify any initial issues for you.

It should also be noted that the "Update existing content items with matching ID" refers to a UID assigned to the content rather than it's Integer Id and so it should be safe if you are uploading multiple import files if you tick this.

I cannot reiterate how important it is to test this import on another environment to production first.

Edited, Jun 28, 2024 11:31

AND adding to Paul and Mark's responses - just wanted to emphasize that the "content sync" option from production to UAT is not a merge, but an overwrite. So when doing it, you will basically copy the production database and overwrite the UAT database. 

This might be what you want, but in some cases I know people use UAT for various testing/showcasing, and that content would be lost when doing a "copy down" from production. FYI!

Aug 19, 2024 11:11

Hi Chien,

I agree with Paul answer, with DXP service it's fairly easy.

If you are looking for another way, you can always use export and import services or develop Custom Scripts, create SJ for that.

Aug 22, 2024 18:32
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