Optimizely Graph .NET client - nested logic clauses


Hello, I'm working on improving the search experience on a page that is based on Optimizely Graph and I'm struggling with .NET client API to achieve the expected query.

I want to have nested logical operators like in the example below which works nicely when executed in the admin panel, but I'm not able to achieve the same result using Linq extension methods and the documentation is missing any example about how to do that. Could you please help me with that or provide an example of how to nest in a.a NET client? 

WHERE: A1 && (B1 || B2)

    where: {
      _and: [
          _or: [
            { _fulltext: { match: "Query_Text" } }
            { Name: { fuzzy: false, boost: 10, match: "Query_Text" } }
          ContentType: {
            in: [
Sep 25, 2024 9:46

Hi Stanislaw,

Actually, there are a lot of ways to build where condition such as using builtin filter expression, delegate filter builder with Optimizely Graph Client package. We can use AndFilter, OrFilter or use Bit operator such as &, | to make condition as group. Sometimes, we also need to combine some different ways, create new delegate filter builder to build our complicated condition.

With your requirement, you can do it by this following way:

var orFilter = BooleanFilter.OrFilter<GraphModels.Content>().Or("_fulltext", new StringFilterOperators().Match(q))
    .Or("Name", new StringFilterOperators().Match(q).Fuzzy(false).Boost(10));

var result = _contentGraphClient

.Where(x => orFilter & x.ContentType.In(new [] { "NewsPage", "ArticlePage" }))

.Fields(_ => _.Name, _ => _.Url)
.Facet(_ => _.ContentType)

You can check other information about "where" filter here https://docs.developers.optimizely.com/platform-optimizely/v1.4.0-optimizely-graph/docs/where-filter

Oct 05, 2024 9:47
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