This issue was registered as a support case and was found to be an error in the template implementation.
DataBind() was called before base.OnLoad().
Hi we have got another problem with quick edit probably i find the reason but i can't solve it. I see that by surrounding editing elements is responsible rightclickadministration.js file under the path : Util\javascript\rightclickadministration.js but he isn't downloaded.
I notice it during spy Fiddler files. During loading site scripts:
and after click Edit on popup menu
are downloaded.
It isn't connected with DataBind().
Any sugestions ?
If anyone still have this problem and are running under IIS7 try to add a static file handler for the htc extension in web.config:
<add path="*.htc" verb="GET,HEAD" type="EPiServer.Web.StaticFileHandler, EPiServer" />
Quick edit doesn't work. We find out that this strange behaviour is connected with episerver file : 'Util\javascript\' which isn't attached to the side as attribute: Behaviour.
Things which we try to do :
1) Delete all ours *.js *.css files.
2) Overwrite Episerver catalog "Utils" with new one from clean Episerver solution.
3) Assign publish role for editor.
4) Obviously we used : <EPiServer:Property ... /> control which should be edited from view mode.
5) All episerver scripts are downloaded to browser.
I hope that this brief explanation outline the problem.
Please help!!!!! :)