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EPiServer 4 XForms and checkboxes


I'm trying to add a checkbox with multiple choices to a new xform. With one choice everything works fine and I get to save my form, but when I try to add more than one choice I receive the message "Invalid form"

The code looks like this (when using ctrl + shift + c):

<TABLE id=id_matrix>
<TD style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" vAlign=top>
<IMG style="POSITION: relative; TOP: 0px; CURSOR: move; LEFT: -10px; zindex: 10" id=__imageactive align=left src="http://xxxx/util/images/xform/Checkbox.gif" width=18 height=15>
<INPUT value=on type=checkbox name=df><LABEL>on</LABEL><BR>
<INPUT value=test type=checkbox name=df><LABEL>test</LABEL>

Sep 01, 2009 13:37

It seems this is related to XForms on EPiServer 4 (4.62) in IE8 somehow  - can you test the same running IE7? I get the "Ugyldig Skjema" error running in compatibility mode in IE8 also, so that seems like no solution either.

Edit: Just found this post

Edited, Sep 02, 2009 12:02
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