What happens is that when a block gets published, the additional search content property of containing page gets updated.
Can you check if the content that is throwing the exception (ContentLink='2460_19234') is in the recycle bin?
Hi Jeroen,
thank you for your reply. It is as you said; a block on a page gets edited and published, but throws the error ( it does actually get saved though! -- when you refresh the page, it loads the 'published version' ).
It also creates a 'draft' version of the block element.
And I checked the page it belonged to ( ContentLink='2460_19234' ), but it's not in the recycle bin.
Hi Enne,
As the error is thrown in on of my libraries, or so it seems anyway, can you create an issue here? Can you list the versions of the packages you are using in the issue? Thnx.
Haven't heard of the error before, so maybe something has changed between 10.0.0 and 10.10.1 which breaks the functionality, though there shouldn't be any breaking changes within a major version, but you never know.
Never mind, I have been able to reproduce it with an Alloy site on 10.10.1.
Something definitely changed somewhere down the road. I'll create a hotfix. Will be avalable on the feed soon I hope.
Thank you for your fast reply. I wasn't able to create the issue in the meantime, sorry. But I see you were able to reproduce it.
I will await the hotfix :)
Hi Enne,
I've submitted the hotfix, so depending on how soon the package will approved, it will start working again.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Sorry, I had completely forgotten to mark your answer.
Thank you for solving the issue so quickly!
We are currently in the progress of upgrading an existing EpiServer 9.12.2 installation to 10.10.1, but after some testing we came across this error :
A small search found me this post : https://world.episerver.com/forum/developer-forum/-Episerver-75-CMS/Thread-Container/2015/6/error-after-upgrade-to-8-5-quotusing-saveaction-save--saveaction-forcecurrentversion-on-published-content-is-not-allowedquot/
Which says it used to be a breaking change in the upgrade to Epi 8 (?) -- but this is not in 'self-written' code...
Any suggestions?