Hi John! I recently needed to add canonical links including the hostname as well. I ended up adding an extension method to UrlHelper to handle this:
public static string CanonicalUrl(this UrlHelper urlHelper, PageData page)
var resolver = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UrlResolver>();
var contentUrl = resolver.GetUrl(page.ContentLink, page.Language.TwoLetterISOLanguageName, new VirtualPathArguments {
ContextMode = ContextMode.Default,
ForceAbsolute = true,
ForceCanonical = true,
return contentUrl;
There might be more things to check when generating canonical urls. I haven't used that extension for a while (might be obsolete)..
In the EPiServer.Web.Mvc.Html.CanonicalLink function, the returned value does not include the Hostname, which is required for Canonical Links. Thanks!