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Scheduled Jobs UI - OnStatusChanged does not show messages on UI about status anymore in CMS.UI 12.17


The messages related to the progress of the job are no longer displayed in latest version of EPiServer.CMS.UI 12.17.0. 

The OnStatusChanged method was used in order to display information about different aspects like how many products were indexed so far, at what step the job is currently working and so on. 

It worked well in EPiServer.CMS.UI 12.16.0 too. So the changes most likely must be introduced by CMS-23524, CMS-25192. 



The status message was very helpful especially for long running jobs, so you have a clue that the job is not stuck or something. 

Is this a bug or the feature is completely removed in EPiServer.CMS.UI 12.17.0. ?

PS: I could not find the tag for CMS.UI.12.17

Edited, Mar 01, 2023 13:02

THanks for bringing this into our attention. I think I saw this too. I will file a bug to CMS team

Mar 01, 2023 14:48
Quan Mai - Mar 01, 2023 14:50
the bug is CMS-26925


Any updates for the bug?
It seems that it has not been reviewed yet, and that's also important for my team, preventing us from upgrading the packages.


Mar 14, 2023 12:06

Hi no so far, I will ask again. 

Mar 14, 2023 12:50

Hi Karol!

We have verified this issue and updated the link to the bug that Quan posted above. It will take some time before updates are pushed to the public site. But shortly you will se a description of it. I can confirm that this did work in the old scheduled job UI. We will address this as soon as we can, please monitor the bug linked above in the meantime.

Mar 14, 2023 16:36
Karol Berezicki - Mar 14, 2023 18:12
Great, thank you for the update :) 
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