I just upgraded my allow demo to 12.9.0 and the scroll up to reveal page header is working for me.
I am missing a few packages for hosting and DXP, this is my Alloy demo config, it would be strange for those other packages I would think to affect that tho.
<PackageReference Include="EPiServer.CMS" Version="12.9.0" />
<PackageReference Include="EPiServer.Find.Cms" Version="14.1.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Wangkanai.Detection" Version="5.2.0" />
Have you tried fully clearing all cache etc etc just in case there's been any chance in the JS that's caching?
You might be right. I tried clearing cache, I can now trigger the toggle of pageheader "somethings". I have only tired this so fare in my dev env.
Now I run 12.10.0 and the problem still exist. I didn't see this console error earlier in 12.9.0, so It might not be any link between the two, but this is what I see in the console window.
Source: Episerver/shell/clientresources/12.10.0/epi/epi.js:2
SyntaxError: Unexpected token '}'
at dojo.fromJson (dojo.js:15:82234)
at Object.json (dojo.js:15:120242)
at _497 (dojo.js:15:123066)
at _2cd (dojo.js:15:73012)
at _2cb (dojo.js:15:72704)
at resolve.callback (dojo.js:15:73525)
at dojo.js:15:125114
at _2f2 (dojo.js:15:75368)
at _2ec (dojo.js:15:75232)
at _2f1.resolve (dojo.js:15:76693)
After upgrading from EPiServer.Cms 12.5.0 to 12.9.0 I can no longer scroll up when viewing a page inside edit mode to reveal PageHeader.