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Cannot open Property View for page templates


We are in the process of upgrading CMS 11.15 to CMS 12.7 and everything looks good in local but after deploying to cloud we cannot open any pages in Property view , its ok in the layout view.

Edited, Aug 25, 2022 20:04

Any errors in console (chrome dev tools) or in the logs (kestrel or appdata) ?

Aug 25, 2022 22:19

We see these script errors

epi.js:2 Error: scriptError at _f (dojo.js:15:436) at HTMLScriptElement.<anonymous> (dojo.js:15:17745)
_1f9.<computed> @ epi.js:2
overrideMethod @ react_devtools_backend.js:4026
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_9 @ dojo.js:15
req.signal @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
error (async)
_101 @ dojo.js:15
req.injectUrl @ dojo.js:15
_32 @ dojo.js:15
_9 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_37 @ dojo.js:15
_77 @ dojo.js:15
_16 @ dojo.js:15
req @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_2f2 @ dojo.js:15
then._2ff.then @ dojo.js:15
createWidgets @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_c8 @ dojo.js:15
_36 @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
_37 @ dojo.js:15
_16 @ dojo.js:15
req @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
setTimeout (async)
onClick @ widgets.js:2
_onClick @ widgets.js:2
_19e @ dojo.js:15
_onClick @ widgets.js:2
(anonymous) @ dojo.js:15
(anonymous) @ widgets.js:2
Show 134 more frames

Aug 25, 2022 22:55

Doesn't tell me much. Try looking into the log files too.

Have you tried:

  1. All properties view in a different browser?
  2. Inspected content types in Admin to identify any anomalies? i.e. properties that shouldn't be there.
Aug 26, 2022 0:19

it probably has more information in Network tab (check for failed requests) than the Console tab 

Aug 26, 2022 5:53

We were able to resolve the issue , a reference to a JS file was missing

Aug 26, 2022 23:06
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.