Hi Patrick,
I do not see the detail error. I think we need to find which component name is duplicated first. Could you try to turn on Client Debug and let's see if we can see error more detail?
You can turn on Client Debug in Optimizely cms 12 via this link https://docs.developers.optimizely.com/content-management-system/docs/debugging-cms-ui
I have the client debug turned on, but don't see any more detail than what is above. Here is the info console entry expanded:
I believe that it is "dijit/form/TimeTextBox" that is being loaded more than once.
Hi Patrick
I think your issue is path related. The path for dojo "EpiK" should be "Scripts" without slash. For client resources path should be "Scripts/Editors/TimeTextBoxUtc.js" same as the other one.
I hope above helps. If my suggetion solved your issue, help others by not ''forgetting to mark it as accepted solution" :)
Changing the paths as suggested above does not resolve the errors, i'm still seeing the multipleDefine error.
Hi Patrick,
Should define module id in your Dojo module like define('Epik/Editors/TimePickerUtc',...) to avoid duplicating with default one or something like this
Update js as following:
define('Epik/Editors/TimePickerUtc', [
'dojo/date', // date.compare
'dojo/date/locale', // locale.format
'dojo/date/stamp', // stamp.fromISOString stamp.toISOString
'dojo/_base/declare', // declare
'dojo/dom-class', // domClass.add domClass.contains domClass.toggle
'dojo/dom-construct' // domConstruct.create
function(lang, _TimePicker, array, dojoDate, locale, stamp, declare, domClass, domConstruct) {
return declare([_TimePicker],
// summary:
// Patch TimePicker to display UTC time
_createOption: function(/*Number*/ index) {
// summary:
// Patch the method to create time option in UTC
var date = new Date(this._refDate);
var incrementDate = this._clickableIncrementDate;
date.setTime(date.getTime() +
incrementDate.getHours() * index * 3600000 +
incrementDate.getMinutes() * index * 60000 +
incrementDate.getSeconds() * index * 1000);
/*------PATCH START------*/
if (this.constraints.selector === 'time') {
date.setUTCFullYear(1970, 0, 1); // make sure each time is for the same UTC date
// show UTC time on the options
var utcOffsetDate = new Date(date.getTime() + date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
var dateString = locale.format(utcOffsetDate, this.constraints);
/*------PATCH END------*/
if (this.filterString && dateString.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.filterString) !== 0) {
// Doesn't match the filter - return null
return null;
var div = this.ownerDocument.createElement('div');
div.className = this.baseClass + 'Item';
div.date = date;
div.idx = index;
"class": this.baseClass + 'ItemInner',
innerHTML: dateString
if (index % this._visibleIncrement < 1 && index % this._visibleIncrement > -1) {
domClass.add(div, this.baseClass + 'Marker');
} else if (!(index % this._clickableIncrement)) {
domClass.add(div, this.baseClass + 'Tick');
//if (this.isDisabledate(date)) {
// // set disabled
// domClass.add(div, this.baseClass + 'ItemDisabled');
if (this.value && !dojoDate.compare(this.value, date, this.constraints.selector)) {
div.selected = true;
domClass.add(div, this.baseClass + 'ItemSelected');
if (domClass.contains(div, this.baseClass + 'Marker')) {
domClass.add(div, this.baseClass + 'MarkerSelected');
} else {
domClass.add(div, this.baseClass + 'TickSelected');
// Initially highlight the current value. User can change highlight by up/down arrow keys
// or mouse movement.
this._highlightOption(div, true);
return div;
define('Epik/Editors/TimeTextBoxUtc', [
'dojo/date/locale', // locale.format
'dojo/date/stamp', // stamp.fromISOString stamp.toISOString
function(declare, locale, stamp, TimeTextBox, TimePickerUtc) {
return declare([TimeTextBox],
// summary:
// TimeTextBox in UTC time
// with patched time picker
popupClass: TimePickerUtc,
parse: function () {
// summary:
// Override the method to parse the string as UTC time
// the value is parsed as local time
var value = this.inherited(arguments);
// calculate UTC time
if (value instanceof Date) {
value = new Date(value.getTime() - value.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
return value;
_setValueAttr: function (value, priorityChange, formattedValue) {
// summary:
// Override the method to set UTC time. Note: value can be a JavaScript Date literal or a string to be parsed.
if (typeof value === 'string') {
value = stamp.fromISOString(value);
if (value instanceof Date && !this._isInvalidDate(value)) {
// set UTC time string as formattedValue, which is shown in the textBox
var utcOffsetDate = new Date(value.getTime() + value.getTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000);
arguments[2] = locale.format(utcOffsetDate, this.constraints);
arguments.length = 3;
Moving the "'Epik/Editors/TimeTextBoxUtc'" definition to the define method of the javascript has fixed the issue.
I've added a custom UTC Time picker control to my CMS 12 solution. This was previously working in a CMS 11 website. When loading the CMS editor i get the following "multipleDefine" errors in the console:
I've added the js files to my wwwroot here:
And i've added a module.config to the root of my project
The js files are downloading from this client resources folder.
What am i missing in the dojo setup?