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Hi JSpencer,
Which base class of FooSitePage? It is inherited from PageData, right? And currently, you are using this one in link assets for certain products?
Hi Binh,
Yes, inherited from PageData.
I don't believe any products have a content reference or asset link to FooSitePage
BuildAssetPath expect the parent link of an asset to be a ContentFolder. In this case it is not which is why it is throwing an exception.
Maybe BuildAssetPath could be more flexible, but can you locate which media it is throwing error at?
Hi Quan,
How would you be able to tell as its not in a loop to capture/break.
If I decompile and load symbols for
And look through
public void Export(string catalogName, Stream output, string baseFilePath)
Which is what is called, I cannot see in this method any BuildAssetPath?
It's CatalogItemAssetImportExport, not CatalogImportExport :)
I think if you turn off Just My Code option, you might be able to see the exception which might contain the imageAsset information.
Turning off Just My Code didn't produce any more information.
Using dotpeek/loading the symboils for CatalogItemAssetImportExport and setting a break point I was able to hit the "first" error and get more information.
Looks like we have an asset called "EW11_WeatheredHickory_OH.jpg" this has a content link id = 335, it has a parent content link id = 332.
The BuildAssetPath takes the parent link and sets this as the contentfolder and sets the id to 22
Tt then checks if this equals the this._assetsRootFolder which in this case = 3
If it doesn't then it takes contentfolder parent link id and tries to set this as the ContentFolder and this Parent Link Id is 5
And this is where we get the above error.
I have checked the usage of this asset and looking at where its used its only used inside catalog items and never touchers Id=5
BuildAssetPath will work recursively until it find the AssetRootFolder. What's 332 content type and where does it lead to?
Just to be clear we are trying to make the export work for you. once we figure out how it goes into problem we will find a way for BuildAssetPath to work better/be more tolerant
Hi Quan,
332 (parent link id of the asset) is a ContentFolder
22 is the "root" folder which is the "For This Site" folder and again is a ContentFolder
3 is the "root" folder which is "For All Sites" Folder and again is a ContentFolder.
Yeah totally understand a way to get it working for us now would be great.
That is very strange.
Could you run this code - inside a controller probably, passing the (problematic) mediadata as parameter
private string BuildAssetPath(MediaData imageAsset)
var parentFolders = new List<string>();
var parent = _contentLoader.Get<ContentFolder>(imageAsset.ParentLink);
while (!parent.ContentLink.Equals(SiteDefinition.Current.GlobalAssetsRoot))
parentFolders.Insert(0, parent.Name);
parent = _contentLoader.Get<ContentFolder>(parent.ParentLink);
return parentFolders.Count > 0 ? String.Join(_assetPathSeparator, parentFolders) : String.Empty;
does it throw exception ? if yes, for what content
FWIW, here's what's used in Foundation, which is working for me. It's based on Quan Mai's blog, so it may not solve your current issue, but maybe there's an update in here that helps?
To trigger the export, I go to:
(Where the name of the catalog to be exported is "Fashion")
That downloads a zip file:
Which includes a single XML file: catalog.xml
The export includes references to the assets (like in Quan Mai's blog), like this:
<CatalogItemAssetCollection><CatalogItemAssets><CatalogItemAsset><CatalogItemType>Entry</CatalogItemType><CatalogItemCode>P-40707713</CatalogItemCode><AssetPath>episerver/Catalogs/Mosey/Women/Jackets/Andrea Coat</AssetPath><AssetName>25758-1433-s19-3-m-b-h.jpg</AssetName><AssetType></AssetType><MimeType>image/jpeg</MimeType><GroupName>default</GroupName><SortOrder>2</SortOrder></CatalogItemAsset> ......
For the actual asset files themselves, I export them via the standard CMS content export.
Hi Quan,
Took your code and popped it into a controller. I did modify it so I didn't have to pass in the media asset and instead, as I knew the parent link id just created a new contentreference:
var parentFolders = new List<string>();
var parent = _contentLoader.Get<ContentFolder>(new ContentReference(332));
while (!parent.ContentLink.Equals(SiteDefinition.Current.GlobalAssetsRoot))
parentFolders.Insert(0, parent.Name);
parent = _contentLoader.Get<ContentFolder>(parent.ParentLink);
return parentFolders.Count > 0 ? String.Join("/", parentFolders) : String.Empty;
The same error happened, it does a few loops of the while loop as its traverses up the folder tree but in the end its the same.
Looks like to gets to the id = 22 which is the "For This Site" Asset folder which is of type ContentFolder and then that Parent Id = 5, which is our site top root node. I am guessing this is happening because its at the top of the "For this site" tree, but as its 22 and not 3, which is the GlobalAssetsRoot it tries to go one level up:
Because its not a Global Asset folder, but instead a site one, this seems to indicate that the BuildAssetPath should be using SiteAssetsRoot, unless we're saying that the media folder structure is incorrect and the For This Site should still sit inside "For All sites"
Thanks for testing it. that's strange. the content folder should not be child of the start page. I will look into it when time permits
Hi JSpencer,
As I understood then the page id 5 with type FooSitePage is the start page for your site, right? You are using "Use site-specific assets" as bellow?
With this above setting, editors could add medias for only site level below "For This Site" folder and this root is child of Start Page by default
So if you are using media contents below "For This Site" root for commerce assets then I must say that system will throw error as same as you got when I reviewed CatalogItemAssetImportExport code.
I am quite sure that it is a bug from framework. While loop is only stopped if parent link is Global Assets Root => If ancestor is not Global Assets Root then there is no condition for breaking While loop. We will get error from "Get<ContentFolder>" if parent link is not Content Folder. And "For This Site" with parent is Start Page is a case.
I suggest some solutions for it:
Commercer 14.12.0
Using this as a point of reference : we're trying to do a catalog export, this seems to run for a fair amount of time before being thrown an internal server error:
TypeMismatchException: Content with id '5' is of type 'Foo.Features.Pages.Foo.SitePage.FooSitePage_DynamicProxy' which does not inherit required type 'EPiServer.Core.ContentFolder'
Content id 5 is in fact our top level site node of type "FooSitePage".
Looking through the forums others have come across this before but with no real solution given that seems to be related to what we're trying to do.
We've also referenced Quan's article here : which also causes the same error, interesting there is a comment on Quan's blog post with someone with similar issue but no resolution.
Any help would be great
Full stack trace: