Unable to request access token



On unregular basis I get an error from ImageVault when ttrying query over a media item. 

It works 95% of the time..

Type : ImageVault.Common.ImageVaultException, ImageVault.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5adb7bea47dfc40a
Message : Unable to request access token @ https://ImageVaultCore:9901/oauth/token.
Source : ImageVault.Client
Help link :
Data : System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
TargetSite : ImageVault.Common.Security.AccessToken RequestAccessToken()
HResult : -2146233088
Stack Trace : at ImageVault.Client.Authentication.IvOAuthTokenUtil.RequestAccessToken()
at ImageVault.Client.Authentication.IvOAuthTokenUtil.GetAuthToken(Boolean forceRenew)
at ImageVault.Client.Rest.ServiceClientProxyBase.CallWithContent(String url, IRequestContent requestContent, Type returnType, Boolean forceNewAuthToken)
at ImageVault.Client.Rest.ServiceClientProxyBase.Call[T](String name, Object argument)
at ImageVault.Client.Query.Parser.MediaExpressionParser`2.GetNotCachedResultFromServer(Type type)
at ImageVault.Client.Query.Parser.CachedIvExpressionParser`3.GetResultFromServer(Type type)
at ImageVault.Client.Query.ClientQueryProviderBase`1.ExecuteInner(Expression expression)
at ImageVault.Client.Query.ClientQueryProviderBase`1.Execute[TResult](Expression expression)


Any ideas?



Jun 09, 2014 13:56

You could check if you're able get the actual "remote" error message by just browsing https://ImageVaultCore:9901/oauth/token

Otherwise I'd recommend turning on the logging in your Core service.

Jun 09, 2014 14:14

Enabling logging is a good idea, if that doesn't give you any clues and the problem persists I would suggest contacting support at http://world.episerver.com/Support/.

Aug 07, 2014 11:49

Just to clarify, accessing /oauth/token (as suggested above) without the required HTTP Authentication and grant_type will give you an authentication error, you can read more about the oauth request here:


Edited, Aug 13, 2014 8:41
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.