Why don't you add css style for the navigation bar, show/hide what you want then you have "next step" button as your submit one. When you click that button, the next step will be shown.
Hi @Dac,
Thanks for the reply. Can you help me with that? in the documentation the way that has been mentioned to alter the css sylings is to modify css files in wwwroot\modules\_protected\EPiServer.Forms\\ClientResources\ViewMode.
But it kind of strange sice files are now in the zip folder and also the version might change in the future.
Also, I have a decidion step where I want to redirect to different pages based on the one's selected fields. How do I do that?
For example, I have a simple Yes/No input filed in step1. I want to show a text to the user and if he selects "yes" he should be redirected to Page-Yes, and if he selects "No" he should be redirected to Page-No.
The way I see it is to have 2 conditional steps for the same level and a submit button in each.
So I guess there will be step 2-1 with condition input=yes , a text "You have selected yes" and then a button to Page-Yes, and step 2-2 with text "You have selected No' with a button to redirect to Page-No.
If I keep the navigation bar, it will be ugly specialy in the last step.
I guess it is a normal senario and I am new to Episerver.Forms, so I really appreciate if you can help me with this.
You can setup multi steps form display on multi page. With conditional steps you can decide which page will be redirected to, depend on your condition. Some information can be found here:
Someone got an answer for the original question/title "Episerver Forms - going to next step without navigation bar"? Displaying the bar and hiding it with CSS is not a "viable" option. My current solution is to hide the navigation bar and trigger click events on the navigation buttons: $(".Form__NavigationBar__Action.btnNext, [data-f-navigation-next]").trigger('click');. I have tried to uncheck the "Show navigation bar " checkbox and manually trigger events like "formsNavigationNextStep", nothing happens. (http://world.episerver.com/documentation/developer-guides/forms/handling-events-for-forms/ ) (Also tried the event when hiding the nav bar with CSS, still nothing)
I want to create my steps in a different way than normal navigation bar.
I've created my steps on the form and it works fine with the navigation. Then I've unchecked the"Show navigation bar" on my form container and put a submit botton. I expected to see the
next step when I clicked on the submit button, but instead it shows me the "Form submitted" message on the container.
How to I fix this?
I simply want to have my own "next step" buttons.