TinyMCEButtons.EPiServerDynamicContent missing in EPiServer.Editor.TinyMCE.TinyMCEButtons


After upgrading to EPiServer.CMS.UI.TinyMce 1.0.0 (while updating to CMS 11) I noticed that TinyMCEButtons.EPiServerDynamicContent is missing in EPiServer.Editor.TinyMCE.TinyMCEButtons
Is this intentional? If yes, how should I handle dynamic content in the editor?

Jan 16, 2018 8:11

Hey, Andreas,

I assume that this is moved to https://nuget.episerver.com/en/OtherPages/Package/?packageId=EPiServer.DynamicContent.


Jan 17, 2018 14:25

Thanks a ton for pointing me in the right direction. And for everyone else finding this post - this is what I had to do:

In my class CustomTinyMCEButtons I added (there was already such class in the solution I'm working on)

 public const string EpiDynamicContent = "epidynamiccontent";

(In EPiServer.Editor.TinyMCE.Plugins.EPiDynamicContent from the EPiServer.DynamicContent NuGet I found the TinyMCEPluginButton with ButtonName epidynamiccontent)

And then in my DefaultTinyMCESettings class in the GetPropertySettings-method I changed 



Jan 19, 2018 10:58

Had the same issue, verified that the constant "epidynamiccontent" dosen't exists anymore in any of the EPiServer libraries (except for descriptor and tinymcepluginbutton).

Edited, Feb 01, 2018 11:16
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