When setting access right for the root, do you check on "Apply settings for all subitems" ?
There should be a difference between the content's access right and its parent.
Can you show the access right settings both of them ?
Hi Quan,
Thanks for the reply.
I checked again and I realised that I also had to go to the Catalog Node -> Manage Access Rights -> add the ContentApiRead.
For some weird reason I cannot do that on the Root in the Catalog.
It works now, so all is good.
Weird that I could find products without giving access but it had issues when looking at the Catalog Node.
We have installed the latest Content Delivery API with all the extras like OAuth and Search.
I have setup the contentapiread access group and gave it full rights to the root.
I have also added the following in the web.config.
<add name="contentapiread" type="EPiServer.Security.MappedRole, EPiServer.Framework" roles="WebAdmins, Administrators, WebEditors" mode="Any" />
Set on the ROOT
I have also created a ContentDeliveryApiInitialization class and just added.
public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
context.Services.Configure<ContentApiConfiguration>(config =>
I have managed to make a successfull call to a product with the following query.
api/episerver/v2.0/content/7AF43301-CDAE-4A46-AACD-A618ECAB7B35 returned 200 with the data as expected.
Then I made another call with the api/episerver/v2.0/content/21bafbbb-b9a6-49f0-850c-547be8eba851 and it returned a 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied.
This is the parentlink of the previous call's response. Basically, I want to get the Product's parent which is the CatalogNode or Category.
Any advice that I can use to get around this problem?