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Five New Optimizely Certifications are Here! Validate your expertise and advance your career with our latest certification exams. Click here to find out more
I managed to find out how to do it. The custom content loader service should look like this:
public class CustomContentLoaderService : ContentLoaderService
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
protected CustomContentLoaderService() : base()
public CustomContentLoaderService(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor, IContentLoader contentLoader, IPermanentLinkMapper permanentLinkMapper, IContentProviderManager providerManager) : base(contentLoader, permanentLinkMapper, providerManager)
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
protected override bool ShouldContentBeExposed(IContent content)
if (_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request.Query.TryGetValue("draft_content", out var _))
return true;
return base.ShouldContentBeExposed(content);
Hi Eric
ContentLoadedService has been moved to an Internal namespace now. So is there a workaround for these classes that alow us to skip calling internal namespaces directly and avoid future code breakages? Or should we request for these to be moved to public API instead?
Hi. I want to fetch the draft content to be able to preview before publishing.
I've tried using this approach:
However, that code is for CMS 11(?).
When I registered my custom ContentLoaderService, a completely empty one that just overrides ContentLoaderService, I get a generic 500 response for whatever content I try to fetch 😞.