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Placeholder list in "Create email template" doesn't show up


I have updated our solution with the latest EpiServer / forms packages and we are not able to see the 'Insert Placeholder' button.
I couldn't reproduce the problem with the Alloy demo site.

The difference is this service is called http://localhost:62906/EPiServer/EPiServer.Forms.UI/Stores/formsdata/ with the demo site (when I open the window) and not in our solution.

I cannot see any info in the log.
Any idea about how troubleshooting this issue?

Many thanks.

Oct 31, 2018 13:46

Could you check the version of EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce package, make sure it is 2.x? Or can you see any js error?

Nov 05, 2018 11:49

We use the latest packages and I cannot see any js error.
I was told that this problem was there before updating to v 11

Nov 12, 2018 14:00

Hi Pierre,

Which version of Forms and Epi.Cms are you using ?

Do you have any customization code ?

We need to have clue to find out the root cause.

Edited, Nov 13, 2018 7:16

Hi Quan,
As I said, I use the latest packages (EpiServerCMS.UI 11.12.1, TinyMce 2.7.0...) and the problem appeared before upgrading.
To give a little bit more context I use a customized SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor and I was able to use it on Alloy without any problem.

I compared side by side my solution and the Alloy demo. 2 js files are missing in my solution: FormContainer.js and EmailTemplateActorEditor.js.
PlaceHolderDropDownButton.js and PlaceHolderSelectorMenu.js are available in both solutions.
Does it help?

Nov 13, 2018 13:35

Hi Pierre,

Thanks for your information. We will investigate and try to find the solution.

For now, please just copy paste that two missing files to your solution as a workaround.

Nov 14, 2018 8:49
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