November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
You can add a [JsonIgnore] decoration to properties you don't want to be sent to and stored in Find.
Yes, surely I can use JsonIgnore on page class or ShouldIndex on SearchClient instance, but if I want to exclude every base property except PageName, that may become a bit, hm... unpretty/ So it feels like I miss something very obvious, or just shouldn't care ))
I wouldn't care about the built-in content properties being in the index :)
Should be a quite small amount of data and also the packaged Find-libraries might have various dependencies to them when querying and indexing so it's wise to keep them untouched.
Your words about dependencies are quite thrilling - I won't touch it then ))
I feel really great using EPiFind, but I would like to optimize the search index by excluding all fields except ones I need.
For example if I have class hierarchy like:
PageData -> SearchablePageData -> BookPageData
PageData -> SearchablePageData -> MoviePageData
PageData -> SearchPageData
So to deal with SearchablePageDatas only I simply add
convention for PageData and that's cool.
But what if I don't want to index SearchablePageData properies that are inherited from PageData? Of course there is an option to apply ExcludeField convention for all of 'em, but it's kinda many lines )
So I wonder if there is any trick like:
It's not a matter of search, since I can use .InField(x => x.FieldToSearchFor), but of indexing only.