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Most frequent searches



In EPiserver Statistics UI we have a Tab for Most Frequent Searches. How can I get those most frequest searches in my code?

I need to know Search phrase and number of queries.


Jun 09, 2015 16:41

I can't find any whay to do it, saidly.
I will add a feature request on it

Jun 10, 2015 8:39

Theoratically it can be done as, but I am not sure. On top of that, not familiar with Elastic Search syntax also :(

string q = "ElasticSearchQueryToGetTheseDetails";
IQueriedSearch<ISearchContent> queriedSearch = SearchClient.Instance.UnifiedSearch(Language.None)
UnifiedSearchResults result = (queriedSearch).Take(20).GetResult(null, true);


Jun 10, 2015 9:18

+1, But what if i need that before version x.y.z :)

Jun 10, 2015 9:52

There is no way to do this through the API right now. Unified search can not be used since this statistics uses its own index. I think this might be added since it does seem to be a useful feature. For now, this can be achived using a rest request to the stats index like 


which is what the Find UI does. The response would look like



Edited, Jun 10, 2015 13:37

Thanks Viktor, that was great to know!

Jun 10, 2015 13:53
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