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It looks like you have set a default language in your site settings (en)? This will remove the language part in the url for the default language.
Outside the startpage you cannot set a default language so it's added there/ or not removed for the deafult language.
Actually the langue for is SV set in manage site. Then we have culture and ui culture and everyhing in Swedish in configs. But we have 2 languages enabled EN and SV on the site. All pages is in SV though, except the root page.
It goes like this:
Roote EN
Start SV
- page1 SV
- page 1 SV
Other Page structure SV
- Page with wrong url in find SV
The problem is that when finding the page in the other strucure we get the link with This will return a 404 but when removing the sv we can browse the page so episerver does the magic correct but not find.
So my guess is that the default language for this website is English from the beginning, correct? And therefore we get the sv part in find? But why does episerver skip the SV part?
I am getting a strange behaviour for pages that has been index by episerver find. It will add the language branch to url in the search result i.e. But when moved inside the startpage structure it will remove the language branch.
The site is of course mappes in mange site section to a language for the start page but why is this happening for pages outside? The link will return 404 but when removing the /en/ part it works.
Worth mentioning is that we have to languages active on the site en/sv but only one is in use. And as I mentioned when moving the page inside the startpage structure it will remove the language branch.