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EpiFind click tracking and a CDN



We cache our search results so if you go to cry.  We do the following:

  1. Query Epifind
  2. Display the results
  3. Cache HTML on CDN

On the second hit. We do:

  1. Get the HTML from cache
  2. Profit

This allows us to provide quick search results.  At the moment we are not handling click tracking and want to add support.  If we reuse the track ID for both the first and second hit will that cause issues?  Because after all the html is cached.   Another option would be, we call Episerver from javascript and get  a new track id but I can't see that is an option.

Has anyone else had this problem? or is it not a problem and we can safely reuse the same track ID?

Apr 24, 2018 12:58

Good question! I think you would get some issues but not sure how they would appear.

If hot a hot HTML cache is prio maybe it's better to use Google Analytics for this tracking.

On a side note having the query phrase as a part of the URL path like that is not optimal and might even be against the standard for some phrases. You should move it to a query parameter (then you can also use the built-in search reports in GA).

Apr 24, 2018 20:52

Thanks Johan, some reasoning behind our decisions:

I believe that EpiFind is supposed to get smarter when it tracks it results.  I believe EpiFind uses this feed back to produce better search results next time.

We obviously sanitise the term so it is valid to have as a url.  The advantage of this is that we don't have to have special rules around our CDN for this page to cache by querystring.  If you get your CDN to cache by all querystrings, someone can easily bypass your CDN caching by putting random querystrings on all your URL's

Edited, Apr 25, 2018 9:23

It seems the track ID is the same among multiple requests so this isn't actually an issue.

Apr 25, 2018 13:25

Just testing a little bit I see the server rendered HitUrl in one of "my" projects get a _t_ip=213.89.28.x parameter added so you might be confusing something within the Epi stats.

May 01, 2018 20:56
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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