November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
November Happy Hour will be moved to Thursday December 5th.
Hi Lasse,
Here a some examples exaplained to use highlited with multiple properties.
I think following code example should work for you.
searchResult = client.Search<BlogPost>()
.Select(x => new { Title = x.Title.AsHighlighted(),
Content = x.Content.AsHighlighted()
Hi Praful,
The problem with that code is that I need XhtmlString content back, but Xhtml properties are saved as html-stripped strings in the index by default.
So if I do:
searchResult = client.Search<FaqItemBlock>()
.Select(x => new {
Answer = x.Answer,
AnswerHighlighted = x.Answer.AsHighlighted()
"Answer" in my result is an empty XhtmlString, and "AnswerHighlighted" has a value with highlights, but no html tags. That's why I am using GetContentResult in my original post.
I have the following block in my solution and my Find index:
I want to search for it (by free text), and get back all content, including highlights in the Question and Answer properties. I use GetContentResult for that purpose:
Now I run into problems.
1. There is a hit, but no highlight. Am I using WithHighlight wrong?
2. How do I get highlights for both Question and Answer? Can I chain WithHighlight() to include highlights for multiple properties?
By the way, I have tried to achieve the same thing using a projection query and GetResult, but I need the content to display on the result page, e.g. content area, xhtml strings, etc... So GetContentResult seemed like a better fit.