As, special character are not supported with best bet, see below document title with "Adding best bets"
Ok, thx for clarifying.
But this was supported or at least not prevented in previous versions. We now have a lot of best bets that have dashes that dont work. Are there any tools or scripts to update these best bets?
In what Episerver Find version it was working for you? I doubt, it (special characters) was ever supported, because Episerver Find ignores the special characters and replace with space (during query search). You should verify or cross check.
A best bet phrase cannot contain these special characters: + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ /
As you can see in the printscreen below we have been able to enter "e-faktura" in previus version.
I see, you can either keep the old version if update not nessary.
As, after the version 12 the Find isn't supporting the special characters in their search. If you use special characters in your search term it will replace with space. So, even if you allow the special character in best bet by customization (somehow), it will not support the search based on that (best bet will not work). So the ultimate solution is to update your tags.
I would rename them if FIND would show BEST BET for "e post" when I search for "e-post" but I´t doesn´t. How to I get around this? Our visitors will use "-" in there search querys, shuld I remove "+ - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ /" in the searchquery all together? It is diferent thing to search for "e" + "post" and "e-post"
It has been reported as a bug since a few weeks back.
FIND-6368 [UI] Best bet doesn't allow dash in phrase
We can no longer use best bets with dashe in the name, like "e-mail". Is this by design or is it a bug?