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BestBets not working when defined for a particular language



Issue: BestBets are not working when defined for a particular language.


  1. Have a website with series of languages enabled like (da-DK, de-DE, etc).
  2. The culture name is in the format languagecode2-country/regioncode2.
  3. Define best bets for a language (

When creating a search query, a language (EPiServer.Find.Language) is determined based on the CultureInfo [for "de-DE" CultureInfo this results in Language(nameof (German), "german", "de", "german", "german_synonym")].

Later on, when best bets are loaded and added to the search query, the content of the best bet is loaded via CommerceBestBetSelector which uses the EPiServer.Find.Language.Suffix  to build the CultureInfo (method GetRequestedLanguage(string suffix)). Due to this fact, the content is loaded actually using the fallback master language because there's no content published on "de" CultureInfo

Example of FIND Query

Jun 25, 2020 13:49

I think this is related to a bug I have reported a long time ago: FIND-6367 Can't create best bet for target content in expected language

I asked for a status update in March, got an answer today: 

Still no activity on this one. Still on backlog. I will go ahead and close this ticket. 
Edited, Jun 30, 2020 8:06

was there ever any resolution to this? I currently have the same issue, best bets created in a specific language do not show up. 

May 26, 2022 14:53

This seems to still be a problem in Find 16.2.0. 
I am unable to find (no pun intended) FIND-6367 in the bug list , which is kinda strange if it existed at one point. 

I will re-report this issue to Support. 

Jul 10, 2024 8:40
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