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Index job chokes on ContentArea that includes both images and blocks.


Has anyone had issues with something like this? We have a ContentArea that holds both images and blocks (video embeds). During indexing the following error occurs:

An exception occurred while indexing (Content): MapperParsingException[failed to parse [ContentApiModel.images.expandedValue.url]]; nested: ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[unknown property [propertyDataType]]; .

When the ContentArea contains only images everything is fine. When you add a video block to the collection (images and blocks) then the index job chokes and leaves the page out of the index. I suspect also that the Content Delivery API is in play here as well.

Apr 12, 2021 19:42

So support figured this one out for me. Our block has a property named Url, so seems there is a collision between that and the Url property that is part of the ContentApiModel that is part of the Content Delivery API. Adding the [JsonIgnore] attribute to the block's Url property lets everything play nice together again.

Apr 13, 2021 21:28
KennyG - Aug 29, 2022 15:24
So I ran into an almost identical problem over the weekend. I was googling the issue and ran across my own answer. Thank you Kenny from the past!
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