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Technical Details On EPiServer Publish Content Functionality


Hello Folks;

  I'm new to EPiServer and have questions related to publishing content. In case my terminology is not yet correct, by "content" I mean pages and blocks.

  1. Where might I find documentation on how published status is handled by the system?
  2. I see there is a PendingPublish columnin the tblContent table. What is this column used for?
  3. In general my company prefers the production site to be a CDS only. It would seem from the documentation that it is assumed that EPiServer is a CMS and CDS solution deployed to the public facing servers. Is this assumption correct?
  4. How might I publish a modified Page/Block data item from the EPiServer CMS system to a disparate EPiServer CDS?

Thank you very much,


Nov 20, 2013 20:21

1. The SDK lists all the events that occur when creating, publishing, deleting, or moving content.

2. PendingPublish is used when a piece of content is marked as "Ready for Publish" by the editor. It has been saved/checked in, but is not yet published.

3. In most cases that assummption is correct, but you can separate the public facing part of EPiServer from the editor-facing part by setting your site up on two servers (one in DMZ, one behind your firewall) and configuring no editor access on the public one. They need to share the same database and VPP (file archive) though.

4. See above

Nov 21, 2013 10:26
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