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Visitor Groups logic


I'm working on a heavilly personalised site where we will be using Visitor Groups to tailor content, redirect to different pages and show various modals.

Essentially I need to be able to create a Visitor Group based on a vistor seeing Page 1 and Page 2 but not Page 3.

Am I missing something or do Vistor Groups only work with AND/OR logic and no NOT logic? if so, is there a way to add NOT logic to them?

I am new to both C# and EPiServer, so be gentle.

Dec 12, 2013 18:21

There's a trick to achieve this. 

First create a new Visitor group and add a "Visited Page" criterion and specify page 3. Save that group.

Now create a new Visitor Group, and add a "Visited Page" criterion and specify pages 1 and 2. Next, add a "Visitor Group" criterion and select the group you made in the previous step - specify "not member of" in the dropdown. Save that group.

The last group you made will match on users who have visited pages 1 and 2, but have not visited page 3.


Dec 13, 2013 13:34

That's great, many thanks Arild!

Between that and the Visitor Group precedence (typical man, I didn't read the manual) I think I can do pretty much everything with Vistor Groups that I need!

Dec 13, 2013 16:33
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