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Creating Page In Webservice


When i try to create a new page from the webservice.  I keep getting an error saying the Page Name must contain at least one visible character.  I have set the RawProperty "Page Name" and the page data seems to be legit.  I am finding now documentation on this.  I even updated the Hotfix 2 for episerver 7 and still getting this error.  Any help would be appreciative.

Mar 24, 2013 22:23

Well, I feel a bit snookered here.

Mar 27, 2013 0:49

I am still having this issue even with the update to 7.1 and Update 2.  What am i missing here.

Apr 14, 2013 22:05

Have you tried with "PageName" instead of "Page Name"?

Apr 14, 2013 22:57

This is what i have

dictionary.Add("Name", "Joshua");
dictionary.Add("PageName", "Joshuas New Page");


I then spin the rawproperties and set the value.  before I try to save, i spit out the values of all the properties to the console and it shows they are all set property.
you can see the values are set when i spin the properties here

Not sure what i am doing wrong

Apr 15, 2013 0:42

May be this link could help you.

It helped me.


Vishesh Sharma

Jul 31, 2017 11:05
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