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Live Monitor Tracker 1 pixel image


Live monitor is switched on but causing design layout issue as it is always rendered after body tag.


The JavaScript is not possible to change as it’s in a compiled dll.

<script type="text/javascript">

void(function(){var tUrl = "/TrackerHandler.ashx?pageId=4&languageId=en-GB";tUrl += (tUrl.indexOf("?") > 0 ? "&" : "?") + "r=" + Math.random(); tUrl += "&referrer=" + escape(document.referrer);document.write("<img src='" + tUrl + "' alt='' width='1' height='1'/>");  }());


This will then render the following example mark-up

<img width="1" height="1" alt="" src="/TrackerHandler.ashx?pageId=4&languageId=en-GB&r=0.9895143173015609&referrer=http%3A//">


I really need a class on the image tag or something else, I could write some custom JavaScript to look for body > image and src attribute with /TrackerHandler but this would be an expensive DOM request.

Does anyone know another solution or away to position elsewhere?


Mar 22, 2013 11:30

I'm having the same issue with this. Has anyone figured out a workaround or a way to modify this?

Apr 11, 2013 0:14

You can hide via jQuery, this is what I have coded for now.

jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery.fn.exists = function () { return this.length > 0; };

// Attach events to DOM
function attachEvents() {

// Hide Tracker Handler
function hideTrackerHandler() {
var trackerHandler = jQuery('body img:first');
if (trackerHandler.exists()) {
if (/TrackerHandler.ashx/i.test(trackerHandler.attr('src')))

Apr 11, 2013 10:32

I think it should be possible to solve using pure CSS, something like this:

    width: 0px; 
    height: 0px;


Apr 11, 2013 11:05

In my opinion, using a CSS declaration is currently the best workaround.

For my case, I needed to use this in order for it to not show:

    display: none; 

I did open up a ticket with EPiServer support for either a better workaround or a patch. If I hear anything from them, I'll update this thread.


Apr 11, 2013 16:50
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