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Might add that I added Display attributes to existing page type properties to set GroupName and Order. After compilation this error started occuring.
The error message is from Chrome, in Firefox the error message instead says: _12e2.buttons is undefined (in widget.js)
Aha, I'm on to something! The errors only occur when swedish is selected as the UI language. So, it seems something is off with the widgets_sv.js?
You are correct. It tried to look for an item keyed "confirmation" from the language bundle. How does the widgets_sv.js look like, though?
Seems two versions of widgets_sv.js are loaded, one from /epi/CMS/1.0.431/ClientResources/EPi/Cms/nls/widgets_sv.js:
define("epi/cms/nls/widgets_sv",{"dijit/form/nls/ComboBox":{"previousMessage":"Föregående alternativ","nextMessage":"Fler alternativ"}});
The other one is: /epi/CMS/1.0.456/ClientResources/EPi/Cms/nls/widgets_sv.js which contains a whole lot more:
QQQ","dateFormatItem-yMEd":"EEE, yyyy-MM-dd","dateFormatItem-MMMEd":"E d
{1}","dateFormat-long":"d MMMM
d","dayPeriods-format-wide-pm":"em","dateFormat-full":"EEEE'en' 'den'
d:'e' MMMM y","dateFormatItem-Md":"d/M","dateFormatItem-MMMMEEEd":"EEE d
kvartalet","2:a kvartalet","3:e kvartalet","4:e
y","dateFormatItem-yQ":"yyyy Q","dateTimeFormats-appendItem-Era":"{0}
yy","timeFormat-full":"'kl'. HH:mm:ss
zzzz","dateTimeFormats-appendItem-Week":"{0} ({2}:
{1})","field-day-relative+0":"i dag","field-day-relative+1":"i
kvartalet","2:a kvartalet","3:e kvartalet","4:e
y","dateFormatItem-MMMMd":"d:'e' MMMM","dateFormatItem-yyMMM":"MMM
går","dateFormatItem-h":"h a","dateTimeFormat-long":"{1}
förrförrgår","dateFormatItem-MMMd":"d MMM","dateFormatItem-MEd":"E
{1}","dateTimeFormats-appendItem-Hour":"{0} ({2}:
MMM d","eraNames":["före Kristus","efter
({2}: {1})","dateTimeFormats-appendItem-Minute":"{0} ({2}:
{1})","dateFormatItem-MMMMEd":"E d:'e'
d MMM y","dateFormatItem-Ed":"d
{1}","field-week":"vecka","dateFormat-medium":"d MMM
a"},"dijit/nls/loading":{"loadingState":"Läser in...","errorState":"Det
uppstod ett fel."}});
I'm a bit curious as to why you have different versions of the scripts in parallell and more importantly; what triggers the loading of both versions?
The 1.0.431 belongs to the 7.0 release, but I don't know the origins of the 1.0.456 version.
You should be able to get a better stack trace by installing debug versions of the javascript files.
Yeah, that's confusing me too. :/ Not sure why two separate versions are loaded. Good tip about the debug versions, I'll try that!
Hi all,
I have just install the Alloy Sample site and I am trying to get start with EPiServer 7.
Now I have been up to the step-3: "Open the templates". However, I encounter some issues about entering the EDIT MODE of the sample Alloy site. According to the info published in the link:,
what I need to do is going to the editorial and administrative user interface for the Alloy site by adding "Episerver" to the URL,
my sample site is installed in the path --- E:\EPiServer\Sites\MyEPiServerSite, I can see the Alloy site by entering http://localhost:17000, but once I enter --- http://localhost:17000/EPiServer, it just show me some error message as below:
So, can anyone tell me what is wrong here and any solutions or hints? I just want to enter the edit mode of the sample Alloy site.
Funny thing, I got the exact same problem today...
I can trigger it to happen when I enable localization in episerver.framework:
<localization fallbackBehavior="Echo, MissingMessage, FallbackCulture" fallbackCulture="sv">
<add virtualPath="~/Resources/LanguageFiles" name="languageFiles" type="EPiServer.Framework.Localization.XmlResources.FileXmlLocalizationProvider, EPiServer.Framework" />
It seems some localized resources used by client side components/widgets are missing in both your selected ui culture and your fallback culture, which causes the widget creation to fail when localizing templates. It's certainly not a desirable behaviour, but a consequence of how dojo deals with localizations in widget templates that we haven't had the time to address.
Your best bet is probably to set fallbackCulture="en" and uiCulture="sv" to get Swedish as the default language.
The issue happened for me when deploying a 7.1 site to a 7.0 basic installation. I accidentally had the files belonging to 7.1 in the package instead of leaving them out.
I got the same error, and the reason was that the fallback culture was set to "no" in the localization-tag in episerverframework.config. When I changed it back to default ("en"), everything worked fine.
Edit mode on an EPiServer 7 site fails to load with a JavaScript error saying: Cannot read property 'confirmation' of undefined
So, clearly there's something that's not defined. :/
Here's the "stack trace" from the console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'confirmation' of undefined
All other resources seem to be loading just fine and there are no other script errors.
Any idea what might be causing this?