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Generate Demo License


I'm trying to generate a demo license for EPiServer 7 CMS (

and I'd like to know what "Bound Input" is and what I need to enter?


I apolgize if this is not the correct forum for this question.

Aug 14, 2013 11:53

The license file must be generated for the server you intend to use it on. You can bind the license to either the servers IP address or the mac address. I would advise using IP address for this purpose.

Aug 14, 2013 12:35

So basically the IP of my computer since I'll be trying it out on it.

Thanks Thomas.

Aug 14, 2013 12:40

Yes. :) If you are working for an EPiServer Partner, you should go for a developer license instead of a demo license.

Aug 14, 2013 12:45

Bound input:

Use MAC if it's your development computer normally

Use IP if it's a test / stage / productionserver since it will then be possible to change server hardware without ordering a new license. The IP is the internal IP of the server.

ipconfig /all gives you nice info about both MAC and IP

Aug 14, 2013 14:41

Daniel has a very good point. I keep forgetting that not everyone else has a fixed IP on their dev machine.... :)

Aug 14, 2013 14:42

Alright, thanks Daniel!

Aug 14, 2013 14:47
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