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Create admin tool pages in an MVC module


I'm working on an add-on and I am trying to make my MVC pages become admin tool pages :)

Earlier, without MVC, we have had the aspx pages that were inheriting from SystemBasePage:

        DisplayName = "xx",
        RequiredAccess = EPiServer.Security.AccessLevel.Administer,
        Area = PlugInArea.AdminMenu,
        UrlFromModuleFolder = "modules/xx/yy.aspx")]
    public partial class yy : SystemPageBase


How do I do the same for MVC?


Sep 24, 2013 17:18

These are code fragments from ScheduledJobOverview AddOn:

[GuiPlugIn(DisplayName = "Scheduled jobs overview", UrlFromModuleFolder = "Overview", Area = PlugInArea.AdminMenu)]



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<module loadLocalBin="false">
    <add assembly="TechFellow.ScheduledJobOverview" />

    <route url="{moduleArea}/{controller}/{action}">
        <add key="moduleArea" value="TechFellow.ScheduledJobOverview" />
        <add key="controller" value="" />
        <add key="action" value="Index" />


Sep 25, 2013 9:37

Thx a lot! I'll try it out immediately!

Sep 25, 2013 12:14
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