void EditPanel_LoadedPage(EditPanel sender, LoadedPageEventArgs e) { if (e.Page != null && (e.Page is DatasheetSAPReportTypeItem || e.Page is DatasheetSAPGenerationVariantItem)) sender.Validators.Add(new StaticValidator("Publishing this page will reindex all the products in background you can contnue your work during this time.")); }
How can display a wrning message on some PageData?
I had found this:
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
EditPanel.LoadedPage += EditPanel_LoadedPage;
void EditPanel_LoadedPage(EditPanel sender, LoadedPageEventArgs e)
if (e.Page != null && (e.Page is DatasheetSAPReportTypeItem || e.Page is DatasheetSAPGenerationVariantItem))
sender.Validators.Add(new StaticValidator("Publishing this page will reindex all the products in background you can contnue your work during this time."));
But my event is never triggered