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Upgrade and recompile project



I am having so many problems with Episerver upgrade that I really feel stupid. I am quite new to Episerver but it seems I haven't got the point. And when I google my errors, it seems that so many people have had so many problems during upgrading procedures... Should it be so? Have Epi succeeded with their upgrading procedure? I've googled at least 10 different step-by-step upgrading procedure from bloggers. Every single blogger has runs into his own errors...

Anyway, I might be about to ask a stupid question but I want to be sure. When upgrading a site with Episerver Deployment Center, the published sites in the IIS directory is updated. How am I supposed to recompile my project? The published site is only a compiled version of my Visual Studio project and is not located at the same place. Am I expected to copy and paste all the files from the published and upgraded site to my project directory, and manually remove every dll which have disappeared? 

Thx for your help.



Mar 12, 2014 19:39

You should upgrade site where you have access to source code. After upgrade - it's pretty essential to have referenced correct EPiServer dlls within the web project. To reference correct EPiServer dlls you have to link your project code to those EPiServer dll during source code compile time. After you have managed to get upgraded site up&running locally / on test server / wherever, you should be good to proceed with re-deployment of new site version to the production environment.

Upgrade processes may never be easy and usually there is no silverbullet solutions. It may depend from case to case.

Mar 12, 2014 20:51

Thank you Valdis.

1) Not sure I understand what you mean by "you have to link your project code to those dll during source code compile time". The dlls are referenced in Visual Studio, but nothing more happens at compile time.

2) To be clearer about my request: The compiled site (aspx/ascx + dll + config files) is at one location. The Visual Studio Project with all code-behind (.cs) + aspx/ascx + config is at another location on my computer. When I run the upgrade with the Deployment Center, it's the compiled site which is modified. Should I copy all the changed files from the compiled site (dll + config) back to my Visual Studio project? It seems I also have to remove manually dlls from VS that have been removed on the compiled site by the Deployment Center..


Edited, Mar 12, 2014 21:10

Is there a reason behind "compiled site in one place, VS project in another one"? I bet you are using VS Publish? I suppose it would be easier to upgrade "on-site": directly VS project that is hosted in IIS.

But more or less - yes, newly added / changed files you should copy back to VS project, removed files remove from VS, and retarget (update packages from NuGet feeds) to correct version of EPiServer packages, if you are using NuGet to get EPiServer dll, which you should :)

Also question about database, VPP and AddOns - how are you going to handle those in context of getting back correct upgraded version to I bet source control?!

Mar 13, 2014 6:00
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