Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
What do you mean with "Try to set a value"? Are you setting a value in code and after you have set the value, this is still null regardless if you set true or false? Or are you setting a value in the editorial interface and this is never saved?
I try to check the ckeckbox for my boolen property. Property Name is "SUBSCRIBE"
And after publishing page ckeckbox is unchecked - and SUBSCRIBE is false
I see that you seem to use page type builder. Though this should work in EPiServer 7, I would strongly suggest that you use the built in system for typed models in EPiServer 7 that basically obsoletes the need for page type builder.
I hava a boolean property
[PageTypeProperty(Type = typeof (PropertyBoolean),
Searchable = false,
UniqueValuePerLanguage = false,
SortOrder = 240,
DefaultValue = true,
DefaultValueType = DefaultValueType.Value)]
[Display(GroupName = SubscriptionTab, Order = 240)]
public virtual bool EPSUBSCRIBE { get; set; }
When I try to set true, value still be null for this property/
What am I doing wrong?