Remove Google Analytics


A client of ours added the EPiServer Google Analytics Plugin to their website - to see what it offered.

They now want to remove it. But after trying to disable it from the Admin menu and un-installing the addon it wont go away. The Google tracking code remains in all pages (and across all languages).

The website is load balanced - could that affect it?

Does anyone have any sugestions on how to remove this plugin without having to delete DLLs from a live server?

Feb 12, 2015 12:11

Hi David!

The add-on UI does not handle/support load balanced sites. I suggest that you install add-ons as Visual Studio Nuget packages if you have a load balanced site. To solve the immediate issue, you probably have to manually remove any lingering files from the modules bin and modules folders.

Feb 12, 2015 12:59
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